I recently ordered a new set of Pantone colour swatches, along with a GrafiLite, an expense I can ill afford, but a neccessity for accurate colour representation between design and print.
I searched the Internet as I always do for a reasonable price and found the product at Colour Stuff. The item I was looking for was advertised with a FREE set of 10 Pantone mugs in the 2009 colours. Wow! I was going to bag myself a bargain.
A week later my package arrived, but to my disappointment, the only contents were the Pantone Swatches. An email promptly flew its way to Colour Stuff only to be told that their offer had finished. I shot an email broadside right back at them stating that even over a week later that their website and sister websites still had the offer highlighted on their pages.
I didn’t hear anything back from them, but a week or so later, a package arrived! 10 brand spanking new Pantone mugs arrived at our office. Thank you, Colour Stuff, for fulfilling your obligations and surpassing them by sending me the 2010 colours and making me a happy man.